Django Angular 10 CRUD Example — MySQL + Django Rest Framework Tutorial

Oct 26, 2020


Django is a Python-based free and open-source web framework that follows the model-template-view architectural pattern. Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework led by the Angular Team at Google. In the tutorial, I introduce how to build a Angular Django CRUD RestAPIs Fullstack Project with POST/GET/PUT/DELETE requests using Django Rest Framework and MySQL database with step by step

Overall Architecture — Angular Django RestAPIs FullStack Integration
  • We build the backend Python Django Application that provides RestAPIs for POST/GET/PUT/DELETE Customer entities and store them in MySQL/PostgreSQL database.
  • We implement the Angular CRUD Application that uses Angular HTTPClient to interact (call/receive requests) with Django backend’s RestAPIs and display corresponding page views in Browser
Django RestAPIs Workflow Architecture

Django Project Structure

Django Project Structure
Angular Application Architecture
Testcase 3 — Angular Client update customer with id = 2



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