Reactjs CRUD RestAPI Application Frontend Architecture DiagramSpringBoot + React + PostgreSQL: SpringBoot React.js CRUD Example

3 min readOct 29, 2020

In the tutorial, I introduce how to build an “SpringBoot React.js CRUD PostgreSQL Example” project with the help of SpringData JPA for POST/GET/PUT/DELETE requests with step by step coding examples:

– SpringBoot project produces CRUD RestAPIs with PostgreSQL database using the supporting of Spring Data JPA.
– React.js project will consume the SpringBoot CRUD RestAPIs by Ajax then show up on Reactjs component’s views.

What will we do?

– I draw a fullstack overview Diagram Architecture from React.js Frontend to PostgreSQL database through SpringBoot RestAPI backend.
– Develop SpringBoot CRUD RestAPIs with the supporting of SpringWeb Framework.
– Implement Reactjs CRUD application with Ajax fetching APIs to do CRUD request (Post/Get/Put/Delete) to SpringBoot Backend APIs.
– I create a testsuite with a number of integrative testcases with CRUD RestAPI requests from Reactjs to do CRUD requests to SpringBoot RestAPIs Server and save/retrieve data to PostgreSQL database.

Overall Architecture System: Reactjs + SpringBoot + PostgreSQL

React.js SpringBoot PostgreSQL Diagram Architecture
React.js SpringBoot PostgreSQL Diagram Architecture
  • We build a backend: SpringBoot CRUD Application with PostgreSQL that provides RestAPIs for POST/GET/PUT/DELETE data entities and store them in PostgreSQL database.
  • We implement React.js CRUD Application that use Ajax to interact (call/receive requests) with SpringBoot CRUD application and display corresponding data in Reactjs Component.

SpringBoot PostgreSQL CRUD Design Application

SpringBoot PostgreSQL CRUD RestAPI Fullstack Diagram Architecture

I build a SpringBoot project that handle all Post/Get/Put/Delete requests from RestClient and do CRUD operations to PostgreSQL database to save/retrieve/update and delete entity from PostgreSQL and returns back to Restclient the corresponding messages.

We build a SpringBoot project with 2 layers:
– SpringJPA Repository is used to interact with PostgreSQL database by a set of CRUD operations.
– RestController layer is a web layer for SpringBoot project, it will directly handle all incomming requests and do the corressponding responses to the calling client.

Reactjs CRUD Application Design

Reactjs CRUD RestAPI Application Frontend Architecture Diagram
  • React.js components let you split the UI into independent, reusable pieces, and think about each piece in isolation.
  • Ajax is used by Reactjs component to fetch (post/put/get/delete) data from remote restapi by http request

Reactjs CRUD Application defines 5 components:

  • Home.js is used serve as the landing page for your app.
  • AppNavbar.js is used to establish a common UI feature between components.
  • CustomerList.js is used to show all customers in the web-page
  • CustomerEdit.js is used to modify the existed customer
  • App.js uses React Router to navigate between components.

Integrative Project Goal

Tutorial Link

